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Looking for style Inspiration? Want to do it yourself but need a little help and creative advice?
If you are thinking of restyling or upgrading your property but lost for ideas, we have all the creative inspiration you need.
Delivered in an easy to follow report, we provide you with something you can refer to when setting out to improve your home yourself and in your own time, it will keep you focused on your interior goals and help you focus on how to achieve them.
How it works:
Firstly we come and do a site visit, we talk through desires and needs and take loads of photos.
Shortly after you'll receive a detailed report, packed with clever design nuggets especially considered for your place, which includes images for reference.
It also includes suggestions of layout, furniture, artwork, soft furnishing, surface finishes, paint finishes, alternative paint pallets etc.
You'll be amazed how little you need to spend for so many actionable ideas. It will provide you with instructions on how to improve the space, the results of which can be dramatic and long lasting.
“After a major refurb on my new property, the look just wasn't coming together. Lisa's report gave me just what I needed and I still can't believe the transformation. Nor can my friends.”
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